Kia Cadenza: Panoramic sunroof / Tilting the sunroof
When the sunshade is closed
Push the sunroof control lever upward,
the sunshade will slide all the way
open then the sunroof glass will tilt.
To stop the sunroof movement at any
point, push the sunroof control lever
When the sunshade is opened
Push the sunroof control lever
upward, the sunroof glass will tilt.
To stop the sunroof movement at any
point, push the sunroof control lever
When the sunshade is closed
Pull the sunroof control lever backward
to the second detent position
and both the sunshade and sunroof
glass will slide the all the way open.
To stop the sunroo ...
To close the sunroof glass with
the sunshade
Push the sunroof control lever forward
to the first detent position.
To close the sunroof glass only
Push the sunroof control lever forward
to the ...
Other information:
The multimedia jack on the console upper cover is for
customers who like to listen to external portable music players like the
MP3, iPod and etc., through the vehicle''s sound system when it is
linked to this jack. The customer has this added option.
In case of distortions from ...
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